Burial at the site of the parish church of St Benet Sherehog before and after the Great Fire: excavations at 1 Poultry, City of London

Burial at the site of the parish church of St Benet Sherehog before and after the Great Fire: excavations at 1 Poultry, City of London

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Adrian Miles, William White, with Danae Tankard

Archaeological work at 1 Poultry includes analysis of 280 burials associated with the medieval church of St Benet Sherehog and a post-Great Fire burial ground on the same location. Post-medieval coffins and coffin furniture indicate that the burial population is primarily late, with a fifth dated to before the Great Fire, although none were associated with the primary phase of the church. The pre- and post-Fire parish is considered in terms of the documented population, occupations and wealth, and health and mortality. Evidence for the medieval church also includes discussion of religious life in the parish. 'Death and commemoration' looks at historical and archaeological evidence for funerals and burial practices. A detailed osteological account of the 17th- to 19th-century burial sample includes comparison with contemporary London cemetery populations.

A full digital resource of samples excavated at 1 Poultry and vicinity, City of London is available for researchers via Archaeology Data Service.

Monograph Series 39