A dated type series of London medieval pottery: Part 5, Shelly-sandy ware and the greyware industries

A dated type series of London medieval pottery: Part 5, Shelly-sandy ware and the greyware industries

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Lyn Blackmore, Jacqueline Pearce

An essential survey for all interested in the pottery of the London area, this study charts the development, peak and decline of two ceramic traditions: the shelly wares of c 1140–1220, mainly city-based but reaching Scotland and across the North Sea to Norway, and the greywares of c 1170–1350, widely used in the city and even more so in its hinterland. In addition to fabric analyses, form typologies, a gazetteer of find spots and scientific data, the study includes a summary of greyware production centres, and considers function, use, marketing of medieval pottery and the chronology of selected consumer sites in London and its region.

Monograph Series 49